The password reminder

A No-Brainer tool to keep your passwords safe

Or 7 reasons to keep your passwords written down in a safe place!

The Password Reminder:
A NoteBook to stay safe

Today’s digital life means passwords for everything!

Got a cooking app on your phone? You need a password!

Have a Facebook, Instagram, or other social media account? You need a password.

Your home Wi-Fi requires a password. Your bank account? Password!

Some people use the same password everywhere, which should be forbidden. Never, never, NEVER do this! 

Therefore, I’ve created a book called “The Password Reminder. »

Yes, a paper book—just like “the good old days,” lol. This 80-page book has each page dedicated to an application, website, or any platform that requires a password. Of course, you don’t need to write it down every time you open an app; it’s more about security!

Let’s say your computer or phone gets hacked. You’re going to face all sorts of problems afterward.

Here are five other reasons to keep your passwords written down in a safe place:

One day or another, this Notebook
will be very helpful

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So, “The Password Reminder” notebook can offer benefits beyond just security; it can be a versatile tool in managing and accessing your passwords. To order your copy of « The Password Reminder » on Amazon, just click on the button!

Get your copy on Amazon now

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