Our Goal

Our goal is quite simple: Give to people over 50 years old ( OH OK, we will accept you even if you are 45 😉 ) a place where you can write ( Blogs and answer to our blogs ), and at the same time, since the subscription is absolutly free, we had an « online store ». 

« Online store » ?

You probably went to some web sites, saw something you like, and the link sent you on Amazon or another boutique! When you do this, the website who sent you to another Online store, get a commission ( In this case: us 🙂 ).

For you it doesn’t make any difference cause you will pay the same thing as is you went by yourself, without any links!

How does it work?

It’s as easy as it gets! In the online store, you can read reviews of top products that suit people of our age. You won’t find roller skates, to be exact!

Also, we feature only products with 4+ star ratings according to the reviews. This means you’ll only find the best products in our boutique! Period!

How do I write my blog?

Since our website is brand new, simply write to us at: info@action50plus.com, and we will send you back user name and password so you can start writing!